IACCM Webinar Featuring ThoughtTrace: Creating Contract Intelligence Through Radically Transparent Access - ThoughtTrace
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IACCM Webinar Featuring ThoughtTrace: Creating Contract Intelligence Through Radically Transparent Access


IACCM – International Association for Contract and Commercial Management

Creating Contract Intelligence Through Radically Transparent Access

Featuring IACCM COO & CTO Paul Branch, ThoughtTrace CTO, Joel Hron, and ThoughtTrace Subject-Matter-Expert and attorney, Melissa Gorgei

Contracts and related documents are more than just transactional paper and pixels; they are assets that hold value, opportunity, and risk. If key stakeholders asked about risk in your company’s contract population, how long would it take to come back with a confident answer? If you can’t access information quickly and easily, you are missing out on insights that impact your strategy and can help to avoid the fire drill situations.

Hear ThoughtTrace CTO, Joel Hron, and Subject Matter Expert and attorney, Melissa Gorgei, as they discuss how companies are achieving true Contract Intelligence, which increases organizational capability, competitive advantage and even can produce millions in value. This webinar is hosted by IACCM COO & CTO Paul Branch.

In this webinar, you’ll learn about:

  • The levels of maturity in the contract process and where most companies find themselves today
  • The right questions to ask around due diligence, risk and more, in order to discover insights that truly impact the bottom line
  • How to move from transactional to strategic posture by leveraging understanding through advanced analysis which is provided by AI
  • What you can do to ensure pre-execution and post-execution success

Learn more about the ThoughtTrace Platform.

ThoughtTrace was a Global Finalist for Best Service Provider by the IACCM. Read More.

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